kids in spiderman and Captain America costumes
kids in spiderman and Captain America costumes

Fees and Founding

Our charge are set, and reviewed annualy. Please contact us for our current rates.

The goverment has many schemes to to help with childcare payements, details can be found at

Within our childminding setting we accept Proud To Care, Tax Free Childcare, Free Early Years Funding Entitlement and many more.

For payement we accept cash and bank transfer only.

Early Years Funding Entitlement

From the term after your child's third birthday you are entilted to claim Early Years Funding (15 hours) which continues until your child starts school.

Extended Funding Entitlement (30 hours) is also available for those who apply and meet the qualifying criterias. Details can be found at:

Funded hours are available at Wise Childcare and can be claimed as Term Time Funding- hours are allocated over 38 weeks of the year, eaither 15 hours a week ( 5 hours over 3 days (9.30 am-2.30 pm) or if you qualify 30 hours a week ( 6 hours each day over 5 days, 9-3 pm).

Any additional hours outside Early Years Funding Entitlement must be paid for in hour hourly rate.